This was an awesome experience to see technology integrated with music and math. So many opportunities to integrate technology in music and math. The best part was that it was fun and didn't feel like "learning" even though we were!
KPAX reported:
Montana teachers are in town brushing up on technology and amping up their music skills before school starts. Dozens of K-12 educators are at the University of Montana for the Annual Teacher Conference to Inspire 21st Century Innovation and Technology.
Country Music Television star and local musician Chance McKinney provided some inspiration Monday night. He used iPads to give the educators a lesson on class participation.
He said learning real instruments can be difficult for anyone, but iPads provide instant gratification so students aren't discouraged. "You could literally pick up an iPad, somebody could tell you the pattern to play and you could play along with any song," he said. "You can't pick up a guitar and do that without hours and hours of repetition and work."
McKinney, a former high school math teacher, said iPads are a great tool to get students of all ages involved.
"It includes ‘em," he said. "Anybody can do this right off the bat and that's half the battle. Getting kids to participate in class: half the battle. The other half is teaching them once they're included."
McKinney and his band, Crosswire, will perform a benefit concert in Missoula at the Wilma on Tuesday, Aug. 9. Tickets cost $15 and are available at Rockin' Rudy's or the door. The proceeds go toward education.
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